new work in development

Jessa Wildemeersch's was granted a writing residency by the International House for Literature Passa Porta in Brussels, Flanders Literature and De Auteurs to develop new work at the Academia Belgica* in Rome.

During her five week stay in the ancient city, Wildemeersch is in the process researching, discovering and writing a new manuscript. 

* The Belgian Academy of Rome is a scientific 'hub' for research, culture and education. 
The Academy has the function of a Roman 'Villa' where artist, researchers and scholars can live and work at the borders of Villa Borghese in the famous Villa Giulia, the valley dedicated for over a century to arts and sciences.

The Belgian Academy offers a unique space for inspiration, development, collaboration and to develop high level activities in the center of Rome where artists and scholars can take the time to think, search, create and discover.
Stay tuned to learn more about this exciting process.

with the generous support of www.passaporta.be I www.flandersliterature.be I  www.academiabelgica.it I https://www.deauteurs.be